Monday, 26 March 2012

caught in the rain

Myself and two friends were out at the swartvlei river in the wee hours of saturday morning flyfishing and looking for some large leerie (Garrick) known to be lurking around in the estuary .
After a few hours of casting  to no avail we soldiered on to different deep holes in search of fish holding at the bottom.
We were aware of the clouds covering the blue sky that we knew we would never see but we weren't bothered by that.
We were planning of some rain but it was spring tide so we couldn't care less. we just knew that would be the best time to catch a big fish.
 At around 8AM the drizzle came but we carried on till it stopped. then a crash in the clouds got our attention mainly because the graphite rods we were holding were like little lightning rods begging the lightning to strike . its like holding a target on your ass in front of a firing squad!!
So we immediately put the rods down and chased like hell to get back to the launch area but we didn't even get one hundred meters before rain drops almost forming hailstones started pouring on us.
We ditched the idea of getting to the launch for it was way too far from where we were so we decided to find cover under the road bridge. So we stuck around listening to the gunshots in the sky and realized there was no more water to get back because the spring low had set and there was no route out so even if the rain settled for a minute there was no way to get the boat through. So we had to stick it out.
The two of our girlfriends were notified that we were stranded and they set into action by getting together and driving through with hot flasks of coffee and tea, towels, warm clothes and buying Steers for the three of us , dropped it off at the bridge, gave us a kiss and drove back home. Need i say more about how great my girlfriend is?
So after being stranded for seven hours there was enough water to get through to the launch area and get the hell outta there!

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